Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Pricelist Notebook


Aspire One Intel Atom N270-1.6Ghz/1024/160/Lan/Wifi/Camera/8.9″/XP-Home 3,100,000
Travelmate 3290 Core2duo T5500-1.66Ghz/1024/80/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/ATI Radeon up to 512Mb/XP-Home 4,400,000


Aspire One AO532 Intel Atom N450-1.66Ghz/1024/160/L/W/BT/10.1″WSVGA/Camera/Win XP/1 Year (battery 8.5 hours) 3,800,000
Aspire One AO532 Intel Atom N450-1.66Ghz/1024/250/L/W/BT/10.1″WSVGA/Camera/Win 7/1 Year (battery 8.5 hours) 4,100,000
Aspire 4732Z Pentium Dual Core T4400-2.2GHz/1024/160/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/LInux/1 Year USD 500
Aspire 4732Z Pentium Dual Core T4400-2.2GHz/1024/160/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7/1 Year USD 545
Aspire 4540 AMD Turion II X2 M500-2.2Ghz/1024/250/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Linux/1 Year USD 579
Aspire 4736G Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/DOS/1 Year/NVDIA USD 739
Aspire 4736G Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Linux/1 Year/ NVDIA USD 819
Time Line 1810TZ Core2Solo ULV SU4100-1.3Ghz/2048/320/L/W/BT/Camera/11.6″/Win 7 HP/1 Year (free external DVDRW) USD 760
Time Line 4810TZ Core2Solo ULV SU4100-1.3Ghz/2048/320/DVDRW/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7 HP/1 Year USD 799
Time Line 4810TG Core2Solo ULV SU9400-1.4Ghz/3072/500/DVDRW/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7 HP/1 Year/ ATI Radeon USD 1150
Travelmate 4730 Core2Duo T5870-2.0GHz/1024/250/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Finger Print/Vista Business/1 Year USD 829
Ferrari One FO2000 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core L310-1.2Ghz/2048/320/L/W/BT/11.6″LED/Camera/Win 7 (Free Exteral DVDRW) USD 800


Evo N160 P3-1.0GHz/256/20/CD\/M/L/14″/Battery/Adaptor 2,100,000
Evo N610C P4-1.8 Ghz/256/30/DVD/M/L/14″/Battery/Adaptor 2,850,000
Evo N620C Centrino 1.4GHz/512/30/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Bat/Adaptor 3,200,000
HP NC6000 Centrino 1.6GHz/512/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Battery/Adaptor 3,500,000
HP NCX6120 AMD Turion RM70-2.0Ghz/1024/60/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Finger Print/Adaptor 4,000,000
HP NC4200 Centrino 1.6GHz/1024/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/12″/Bat/Adaptor 3,500,000
Presario M2000 Centrino 1.7GHz/512/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Bat/Adaptor 3,600,000
Presario C500 Core Duo T2080-1.73Ghz/1024/80/DVDRW/M/L/W/14″/Bat/Adaptor 4,100,000


Tecra 9100 P4-1.7GHz/256/20/DVDCDRW/M/L/14″/Battery/Adaptor 3,000,000
Tecra M2 Centrino 1.5Ghz/512/30/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Bat/Adaptor 3,400,000
Tecra M3 Centrino 1.7Ghz/512/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/14″/Bat/Adaptor 3,600,000
Portege 2000 P3-866Mhz/256/20/M/L/12″/Bat/Aadaptor 2,200,000
Portege R100 Centrino 1.0GHz/512/20/M/L/W/DVDCDRW/12″/Bat/Adaptor/ slimmest & Lightest 3,500,000
Portege M100 Centrino 1.2GHz/512/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/12″/Battery/Adaptor 3,300,000
Portege M200 Centrino 1.6GHz/512/40/DVDCDRW/M/L/W/12″ PC Tablet/Battery/Adaptor 4,000,000
P0rtege M400 Core Duo T2400-.8Ghz/1024/60/DVDCRW/M/L/W/12″ PC Tablet/ Battery/ Adaptor 5,250,000
Satelite JJ10 P4-1.6Ghz/256/20/CD/M/L/14″/Bat/Aadaptor 2,650,000
Satelite SS1611 PM-1.1Ghz/512/40/M/L/W/DVDCDRW/12″/Bat/Adaptor 3,300,000


Fujitsu FMV Specification PRICE
FMV-715NU3/B Celeron 1.6Ghz/256/20/CD-ROM/Lan/14″/Bat/Adaptor 2,600,000
FMV-7180MR3 P4-1.6Ghz/256/20/CD-ROM/Lan/14″/Bat/Aadaptor 2,700,000
FMV 820MG PM-1.4Ghz/512/40/External DVDCDRW/M/L/W/12″/Bat/Adaptor 3,300,000


T4310E Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/M/L/W/BT/Camera/12.1″/Touch Screen/Win 7 Home/1 Year 14,200,000
T4410 Core2Duo T8700- 2.5GHz/2048/500/M/L/W/BT/Camera/12.1″/Touch ScreenWin 7 Pro/3 Years USD 1920
T4410S Core2Duo T9600-2.8GHz/4096/500/M/L/WBT/Camera/12.1″/Touch Screen/Win 7 Pro/3 Years USD 2320
T4410H Core2Duo T9600-2.8GHz/4096/128 SSD/M/L/WBT/Camera/12.1″/Touch Screen/Win 7 Pro/3 Years USD 2680
S6421E Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/M/L/W/BT/Camera/13.3″/Win 7 Basic/1 Year Call
P8110 SU7300-1.3GHz/2048/320/M/L/W/BT/Camera/12.1″/Win 7 Premium/1 year 15,200,000
P8110S SU9600-1.6GHz/4096/5000//M/L/W/BT/Camera/12.1″/Win 7 Pro/HSDPA/3 years USD 2480
P81110H SU9600-1.6GHz/4096/128 SSD/M/L/W/BT/Camera/12.1″/Win 7 Pro/HSDPA/3 years USD 2820
S6420R Core2Duo T8700- 2.5GHz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/13.3″/Finger PrintVista HP/3 Years 16,200,000
S6420i Core2Duo P9400-2.6GHz/4096/320/DVDRW/M/L/WBT/Camera/13.3″/finger print/Win 7 Pro/3 Years 17,200,000
P3110 SU4100-1.2GHz/2048/320/M/L/W/BT/Camera/11.6″/Win 7 PBasic/1 year 9,200,000
P3010 AMD MV40-1.66Ghz/2048/320/M/L/W/BT/Camera/11.6″/Win 7 PBasic/1 year Call
S6420A Core2Duo T8400-2.2GHz/1024/320/DVDRW/M/L/WBT/Camera/13.3″/finger print/Vista Business/3 Years 10,200,000
S6421 Core2Duo T6500-2.16Ghz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/finger print/13.3″/Vista HP/1 Year 14,200,000


Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Virus Komputer yang semakin makin Canggih

PARA pembuat virus komputer dan worm tak pernah kekurangan akal dalam menyebarkan ciptaannya. Kita pernah mengenal virus yang disamarkan dalam kiriman surat elektronik. Kini muncul virus komputer baru yang bisa menyamar sebagai halaman situs Web.

Meski worm e-mail yang disebut virus W32/Myparty@MM atau ``My Party`` ini terbukti tidak sedemikian merusak layaknya virus Nimda atau Kournikova tempo dulu, tetap saja patut diwaspadai. Yang menarik adalah virus ini memakai taktik psikologis baru untuk mengecoh pemakai komputer.
Program perusak ``My Party`` adalah virus pertama yang memanfaatkan ekstensi .com supaya orang mau membukanya. Dia menjelajahi Web lewat account e-mail Microsoft Outlook dan menyebabkan gangguan di mana-mana. ``Virus tersebut terlihat seperti dikirimkan teman kita sendiri, attachment-nya juga mirip alamat Web sehingga orang yang tidak tahu bisa terbujuk mengkliknya,`` kata konsultan perusahaan antivirus Sophos, Graham Cluley, dalam BBC News Online.Sementara para ahli virus yang tergabung dalam Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (AVERT) mengidentifikasi My Party sebagai virus dengan risiko medium. Meski sempat dikhawatirkan, virus MyParty agaknya tak terlalu ganas. Buktinya sejauh ini hanya diterima beberapa ribu laporan.

Worm yang bisa menyebar luas ini datang sebagai pesan e-mail. Subjek surat berbunyi ``new photos from my party`` dan isinya berupa pesan antara lain ``Hello! My party...It was absolutely amazing! I have attached my web page with new photos. If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks!.`` Kalimat tersebut berpura-pura seolah mengarahkan orang kepada sebuah situs Web Yahoo yang berisi kumpulan foto pesta teman sendiri.

Seperti disebutkan, rangkaian attachment virus yaitu memang mirip dengan alamat (URL) sebuah situs Web. Padahal sebenarnya ekstensi tadi merupakan file PE 29.696 byte. Bila dibuka, virus menyalin dirinya sendiri ke C:\recycled\regctrl.exe lalu file segera dijalankan.

Selanjutnya, server SMTP default milik pemakai komputer akan ditarik dari registrasi. Virus memakai server SMTP itu untuk mengirim dirinya ke semua alamat yang ada pada Windows Adress Book dan alamat di dalam file .DBX.

Masalah lain adalah virus itu membuat pintu belakang Trojan. Risikonya komputer menjadi terbuka untuk serangan model denial of service dan ancaman keamanan lain.

Uniknya, virus hanya mencoba memperbanyak diri kalau kalender menunjukkan tanggal 25, 26, 27, 28, atau 29 Januari 2002. AVERT mengatakan ada varian lain yang hanya mampu menyebar antara 20 dan 24 Januari 2004. Pada komputer dengan penyetelan kalender yang tepat, varian itu tidak akan mereplikasi diri.

Perusahaan F-Secure Anti Virus dari Finlandia mengatakan worm tersebut dibuat di Rusia dan tidak akan menginfeksi komputer di negara tersebut.

Serangan e-mail ``My Party`` ini adalah contoh lain dari virus ``reverse social engineering``. Virus tipe ini tidak mengandalkan kata-kata subjek sensasional, seperti AnnaKournikova atau Naked Wife, untuk mengecoh pemakai komputer. Worm Kournikova, yang dulu terkenal, menjanjikan gambar sang gadis petenis Rusia kepada orang yang membuka surat.

Virus MyParty lebih memanfaatkan nama attachment yang lebih realistis. ``Karena orang sangat jarang mengirim format .com, administrator sistem dapat dengan mudah mencegah serangan dengan memfilter attachment e-mail berekstensi .com pada gateway e-mail atau firewall,`` ungkap Manajer F-Secure, Mikko Hypponen.

Orang bisa sadar komputernya telah terinfeksi bila melihat dari prompt DOS dengan C:\RECYCLE\REGCTRL.EXE, bukan dari Windows. Bila memakai Windows ME, sistem operasi tersebut menggunakan utiliti cadangan yang mem-back-up file-file terpilih secara otomatis ke folder C:\_Restore. Artinya, file terinfeksi bisa disimpan di sana sebagai file cadangan, lalu scan virus jadi tidak bisa menghapus file itu.


Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Notebook Dell Inspiron 11z

Notebook Dell Inspiron 11z

Price Rp 6,165,500.00
Shipping Weight : 6 kg
Color: Black, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Pink, White
Processor: Intel® Pentium® Processor SU 4100 (1.3GHz / 800MHz FSB / 2MB Cache)
Chipset: Intel® GS45 + ISH9M SFF-enhanced
OS: Genuine Windows® 7 Home Basic
Memory: 2GB (1 X 2GB) DDR2 SDRAM
Hard Drive: 320GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
Display: 11.6 " High Definition WLED (1366x768) Display with TrueLife™
Video Card: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator X4500MHD
WiFi: Dell 1397 Wireless-G card, WLAN 802.11a/b/g - Half mini-card
Ethernet: 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bluetooth: Built-in Bluetooth
Webcam: Integrated 1.3M Pixel Webcam
Card Reader: 3 in 1 Media Card Reader (Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card, SecureMulti-Media Card (SMMC), Memory Stick (MS))
Audio: Main Speakers (quantity): 2 x 1.0W, Microphone – Integrated single digital microphone bundled with camera
I/O Ports: Integrated network connector 10/100 LAN (RJ45), HDMI connector, 1 x Share USB, Kensington lock, AC Power-in, 2X USB, Audio jacks (1 line-out, 1 Mic-in), Media Reader
Battery: 6-cell 56WHr Li-Ion Battery
BIOS: Genuine Windows® 7 Home Basic
Size (WxDxH)mm: 292 x 214 x 23.5-25.8mm
Weight (Est): 1.4kg
Warranty: 1 year warranty
Other: New Floating Touch Pad Selengkapnya...


Here are tips and tricks in the purchase of computers or hardware:

1. If limited funds to purchase computers, use the following ways:
Purchase mainboard contained on-board hardware is another therein. Like the i810 mainboard AGP on-board share 2Mb on-board 3D sound (Yamaha XG chipset) on-board LAN on-board 56k V90 fax modem, which the market can be purchased at a price of U.S. $ 80. This will save compared to buying the hardware in the unit, with almost same quality. Even the quality of on-board AGP is nearly equal to 8MB AGP card, although only requires 2Mb of RAM your computer, but it's there in the memory buffer mainboardnya. Note: in order to share the AGP memory not interfere with computer operation, it is better if done adding RAM.

2. If your budget is really limited, you can use mencuba hardware
the condition is still good. Cubalah buy processors used, because the damage is rare in the processor, and you can buy other harware with the new price. Make sure you did not buy the hard disk, CD-ROM, and RAM second, because of the damage from the hardware is very high.

3. If you try to overclock, make sure not to change the voltage
because it would reduce the age of the hardware. We have the AMD processor overclock since the beginning of the assembly and it still works fine because it does not change the voltage.

4. Overall, after you make sure you buy a computer

get WARRANTY from the seller, and you can examine it carefully. For example:
a. Mainboard ASUS has a 3-year warranty from pengeluarnya
b. Visipro brand RAM has a lifetime warranty.
c. RAM NeoPower brands have a lifetime warranty. Selengkapnya...

learn to operate the computer


Computers are now widely used for various purposes, ranging from the need
business to individuals. The use of computers is very easy, it takes only
understanding of the basic techniques in operating a computer. If you
not used to using a computer, then this guide is expected to be a guideline
quick to master the ways of computing from the beginning.

One of the operating system most popular in the community
is Microsoft Windows. Windows
lets you work easily, quickly, and comfortable.
In this tutorial, we will use the operating system
Windows version of Windows XP is commonly used.
Turning on the computer begin
Before you start your computer, make sure the cable
power has been connected to electricity. To get started,
simply press the Power button on the computer or
laptop. Wait until the process is running up the screen
Windows display.
Note: Some computers were given a password or password
to be able to enter and use the computer. You must
typing the user name and password. If you do not know,
this question or ask the owner for making the user
and the password itself.
Learning Using a Mouse
Now the computer is ready for use. Operation
computer using keyboard and
mouse. Here's how to use the mouse:
Pointer: the arrow on the screen,
position following the mouse movements.
Function as a bookmark to do
Click: press and release the left button
mouse rapidly at a particular object in
screen. Its function is to select the object.
For example, arrows point the mouse pointer
to the Start button at the bottom right corner of the screen,
results will appear list view
program in Windows.
Click Twice or Double Click: press and
release the left mouse button twice
rapidly at an object on the screen. Functions
to run the program.
For example, point the pointer to the image
My Computer on the corner of the screen and click the two
times, the computer will display the results
box contains the data contents in
computer. Click on a cross in the upper right
the box that appears to close it.
Right-click: press and release the button
right mouse button. Its function is to display
a list of commands that can be run on
selected object on the screen. To run
command, click on one of the commands
For example, right-click on My picture
Computer, the result appears a list of commands
which can be run on My Computer.
The next example click the Open command
to open My Computer.
Drag and Drop: pressing the left mouse button
without releasing the selected objects,
then shifts (drag) to another position and
release the mouse button (drop). Functions
to move the position of an object.
For example, do drag and drop to
move the image in My Computer
Know Your Views on the Screen
You have to know Glance some
display screen when trained on the
mouse. The following detailed explanation of each of
display :
Desktop: The main areas on the screen, usually
have a certain picture or photograph. There
there are small pictures, called
with the icon.
Icons: a small image into the
shortcut to run the computer program
Start Menu: the key to
displays a list of computer programs for
Taskbar: the bottom line on your screen.
In addition to the Start button, there will be displayed
the list of running programs.
SystemTray or Notification Area: icon-con
small in the right corner of the Taskbar. Function
displays the status of several programs
which usually starts automatically
by computer. For example, there you are
can find the time and date, or if
on a laptop you can find out if
laptop battery will run out or are still full.
Window or window: display box
a program is run, for example
My Computer window that you open when
practice using the mouse.
Controlling Program Window
In each view the program, will always appear three buttons
small in the upper right corner. Its function is:
Close: Click this to close the window and end
Maximize / Restore: Maximize click to enlarge
a full-screen window, click Restore in the position
together to restore the window to the previous size.
Minimize: click here to close the temporary window
program. In this position, the program is still running and
only hidden appearance. To show
again, click the program name in the Taskbar.
You can run several programs at once.
Use Minimize to switch between programs or
operate each program.
Know Some Computer Programs
Besides Calculator program, there are several programs that
already provided Windows. Some of them:
• Windows Media Player: to play songs and movies.
• Games program group, containing several programs
• Accessories program group, containing the program
simple, such as:
o Paint: simple program for drawing.
o Notepad: to write simple programs.
o Windows Explorer: a program to manage
files and folders, like My Computer.
In addition, you may find some programs
additional prevalent in a computer, namely:
• Microsoft Office program group, containing programprogram
to create documents, making calculations
figures and tables, and making presentations.
• Photoshop and CorelDraw, drawing program.
• WinAmp: program to play the song.
The programs above are available for added
alone. The procedure is called Install. Selengkapnya...

system recovery LAPTOP

Tunjukkan huruf latin
Use of this laptop is not so new stuff. Laptops have become everyone's needs.

By the time we bought a laptop a few already and operating system (OS), be it Windows or Linux, but most have not included cd for the os. and what if the windows or OS laptop we suddenly broken. Do not panic, turned out in our laptop HD has been available partition containing the OS / Windows that we can recovery, roughly reinstall process to be like when we first bought the laptop.

Here are some ways how we restore the OS / Windows we are damaged through the process of recovery.

1. Laptop HP / Compaq

* Turn on Computer
* Press F10 when logo HP / Compaq seen
* Recovery screen will appear and press Next and Yes
* For Other Options, Advanced level, could Select Advanced
* Once completed the Recovery Proces will Restart your Laptop

2. ACER Laptop

* Turn on Computer
* Press ALT and F10 at the same time a white screen Acer Bios
* Acer will Erocovery loading click Restore to Factory Default Settings
* Click OK to continue
* If the process has been completed Erocevery press OK to restart the Laptop

3. Dell Laptop

* Turn on the Computer / Laptop
* Press CTRL and F11 at the same time Dell logo appears
* Dell PC Restore will appear, Select Restore and ENTER
* Click Confirm to continue
* If the process of restoring has completed click Finish and ENTER. Selengkapnya...


Aspire One Intel Atom N270-1.6Ghz/1024/160/Lan/Wifi/Camera/8.9″/XP-Home 3,100,000
Travelmate 3290 Core2duo T5500-1.66Ghz/1024/80/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/ATI Radeon up to 512Mb/XP-Home 4,400,000

Aspire One AO532 Intel Atom N450-1.66Ghz/1024/160/L/W/BT/10.1″WSVGA/Camera/Win XP/1 Year (battery 8.5 hours) 3,800,000
Aspire One AO532 Intel Atom N450-1.66Ghz/1024/250/L/W/BT/10.1″WSVGA/Camera/Win 7/1 Year (battery 8.5 hours) 4,100,000
Aspire 4732Z Pentium Dual Core T4400-2.2GHz/1024/160/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/LInux/1 Year USD 500
Aspire 4732Z Pentium Dual Core T4400-2.2GHz/1024/160/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7/1 Year USD 545
Aspire 4540 AMD Turion II X2 M500-2.2Ghz/1024/250/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Linux/1 Year USD 579
Aspire 4736G Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/DOS/1 Year/NVDIA USD 739
Aspire 4736G Core2Duo T6600-2.2GHz/2048/320/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Linux/1 Year/ NVDIA USD 819
Time Line 1810TZ Core2Solo ULV SU4100-1.3Ghz/2048/320/L/W/BT/Camera/11.6″/Win 7 HP/1 Year (free external DVDRW) USD 760
Time Line 4810TZ Core2Solo ULV SU4100-1.3Ghz/2048/320/DVDRW/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7 HP/1 Year USD 799
Time Line 4810TG Core2Solo ULV SU9400-1.4Ghz/3072/500/DVDRW/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Win 7 HP/1 Year/ ATI Radeon USD 1150
Travelmate 4730 Core2Duo T5870-2.0GHz/1024/250/DVDRW/M/L/W/BT/Camera/14.1″/Finger Print/Vista Business/1 Year USD 829
Ferrari One FO2000 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core L310-1.2Ghz/2048/320/L/W/BT/11.6″LED/Camera/Win 7 (Free Exteral DVDRW) USD 800 Selengkapnya...